Together with some super talented fellow Alpine High School graduates, I'm going to participate in Artwalk, in Hometown Gallery. If you go way back and have a halfway decent West Texas pedigree, we will be peddling our wares in the old Morrison's True Value Hardware, or, where Bob was before he build the new store. That's all I'm going to tell you because if you're from Alpine you know what I mean. Non-natives, please know we love you too. Hometown Gallery is next door to Reata. That should help everyone find us.
Getting back to the point, since I'm going to exhibit some stuff in a gallery during Artwalk, and since Lisa Pollard already has one, and since some people call me an artist and all that, I decided it was probably time to have a bio.
Sami Harman Kuhn is a native West Texan and wearer of many hats: sister, daughter, wife, writer, artist and gluten-free feeder of hungry children.
Born in Alpine to Sul Ross State University student parents, Sami inherited a love of learning and an adventurous spirit that has allowed her the freedom to explore many artistic paths. From a young age, she was dedicated to transformation and renewal of all things. She fed her spirit outdoors in the vast open spaces of the Big Bend, and was known to rearrange and decorate her house on June Street on an almost weekly basis. She bought ailing plants at Safeway and brought them back to life.
After taking a journalism class by chance at Alpine High School, Sami learned from former AHS teacher Margaret Blackman that she had a way with words and soon turned her penchant for chatter to the printed page. She worked for many years as a writer in West Texas and Fort Worth, before discovering a passion for paint in San Antonio.
Over the past 15 years, Sami has become known for inspired painted finishes crafted upon ceilings, cabinetry, walls and furniture. Her faux finishing and decorative painting business, Painted Groove, has contributed the WOW-factor in well-designed interiors of really smart people throughout the state of Texas. As one of the exhibiting artists showcased in Hometown Gallery, Sami plans to display an eclectic mix of small- and medium-sized furniture pieces, mirrors, and anything else that strikes her fancy while loading the trailer. A crazed perfectionist in need of recovery, she promises to include at least one mixed media masterpiece on canvas.
Sami and her merry band of dogs, cats and assorted children make their home in Seguin and Marathon.
Enough about me. Here's some pictures of stuff I have painted. The captions will say whether it's a past project or a sneak peak of stuff coming to Alpine. And, stay tuned. I'll post more stuff here (hopefully) and for sure on facebook so find me there.
I miss this piece. I painted it for the St. James Church Festival Auction, which is a rockin' good time by the way. I should have bought it back for myself..
Best project ever -- a ranch house in Texas. Cabinets and ventahood by me. |
When this family moved and I was creeping online for a house to buy, I spied this dresser and tried to buy it back. Sigh. I was not successful. |
I painted the table. My very smart client added the chairs. See blog post below to see how truly ugly this table used to be. |
Vicky B had better leave me this sofa in her will. |
Love table but the big fat dog on the sofa in the background is more interesting. . |
This table is coming to Alpine for Artwalk, with a new 'do. |
Happy Turkey Day Sami...congrats on the show. xo from Alaska...
I never knew you were born'ded in Alpine. I loved the red desk, but it was way too small for a pack rat like me. ArtWalk was really pretty cool (all cold jokes aside). All the best Groove for you and yours this year!!!
"أفضل شركة نقل عفش بالرياض :-
إذا كنت تبحث عن أفضل شركة نقل عفش
بالرياض فقد وجدت ضالتك نحن نعتبر الشركة الأفضل فى مجال نقل العفش والأثاث فى المملكة العربية السعودية لما لنا من خبرة تميزنا عن أى شركة إخرى فى هذا المجال نعمل دائماً على تقديم أفضل جودة خدمة لعملائنا الكرام وهذا ما يشهد عليه عملائنا بأنفسهم ونحرص أيضاً على إستخدام أفضل الأليات والمعدات فى نقل العفش مما يضمن سلامته وسرعة إنجاز المهمة . "
فى الخدمة تقدم لكم أفضل شركة تنظيف خزانات
بالرياض :-
من أهم الخدمات التى يطلبها عملائنا فى الرياض والمملكة العربية السعودية هى خدمة غسيل وتنظيف الخزانات حيث تعتبر هذه الخدمة خدمة أساسية فالجميع يبحث عن مياه نظيفة وخالية من الشوائب والصدئ والمواد الكربونية التى تتسبب تلويث المياه وقد تكون سبب لا قدر الله فى نقل الأمراض عن طريق المياه الملوثة والتى نعمل نحن على تنقيتها وتصفيتها من أى مواد قد تسبب تلوث أو تعكير لصفوها . "
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